Friday, December 10, 2004

I am a little put off with the truegrit blog server... it is out again after I wrote this really long blog that took alot out of me to write. I saved it on Notepad but still.... I will have to format it correctly once the host is back online.

I'll try to contain my irritation, after all it is a free server, and they are transferring their system to wordpress, I think. I suppose I will put up with this over the next couple months, one to get it in place and one to work the bugs out...... SIGH.

They could be like upsaid and dump my whole blog AFTER NOT LETTING ME RETRIEVE IT.

Oh. I'm sorry. Was I yelling?

Obviously I am not in the mood to post to "Happy Thoughts"

LOL WILDLY...can you imagine? Like the specter of an evil clownClown: Circus clown, Coulrophobia, Bouffon, Clown society, Evil clown, Jester, Mime artist, Rodeo clown, Grotesque, Cosmetics, Costume, Footwear, Physical theatre, Jacques Lecoq... that is what that post would promise to be.....